Técnicas específicas


EMDR is a comparatively new psychotherapeutic technique that has caused a revolution in the treatment of trauma-related disorders. It is a technique that is increasingly used for the treatment of emotional difficulties caused by difficult experiences in a person's life, such as phobias, panic attacks, major losses and grief or traumatic incidents in childhood, trauma from accidents or other . EMDR is also used to relieve distress or anxiety that occurs for different reasons.

Treatment for post-traumatic stress, simple or complex

Traumatic events such as accidents, death of close people, difficult births, important losses, etc., can cause the phenomenon called post-traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD). With the right knowledge and therapeutic tools, this can be treated relatively easily, for example with EMDR. Los acontecimientos traumáticos ocurridos durante la infancia y de forma repetitiva, presentan más dificultades. Cuando es suficientemente grave podemos hablar de Estrés postraumático complejo (TEPT-C) y el tratamiento difiere mucho del TEPT simple. Si bien el EMDR sigue siendo una herramienta muy valiosa, se trabaja con una combinación de varias técnicas las cuales requieren mucha experiencia en su uso y tomando en cuenta un proceso que puede ser largo y delicado.

Body Psychotherapy

Body Psychotherapy is a type of psychotherapy where the patient's mind and body are treated as a single unit. It is based on the fact that the body reflects the whole person and that there is a functional unity between the mind and the body.

Crisis Therapy

Crisis therapy is a short and intensive therapy whose objective is to support and help the person to overcome a crisis that it is difficult for them to master alone. Perhaps you are having an anxiety attack, struggled at work, lost a loved one, or suffered a separation. Likewise, you may find yourself feeling very low for no apparent reason or have gone through some difficult experience to overcome such as a traffic accident, robbery or other type of traumatic event.

Ego State Therapy

Ego state therapy is a therapeutic approach in which group and family therapy techniques are used to resolve conflicts between the various "ego states" within a single individual. Although ego states are often hidden, they can be 'activated' during the therapeutic process and make themselves accessible for contact and communication with the therapist. This technique is very useful especially in treating people with a past of mistreatment, sexual abuse or severe neglect where the defense system has relied heavily on dissociation.

Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT)

Mentalization means in psychology and psychoanalysis the “ability to interpret one's own behavior or that of others through the attribution of mental states.” This is not only about the behavior of the other, but about one's own ideas about their beliefs, feelings, attitudes, desires, etc., that underlie the behavior. In a way, mentalization means being able to "read in the behavior what is happening in the minds of others." Likewise, it is possible to reflectively understand one's own experience and one's own actions.


Psychotherapy is a rational way of approaching and treating persistent emotional or psychological problems. It is based on theories and methodologies developed and refined by psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychoanalysts through their clinical work over more than a century. During this time, different types of psychotherapy have been developed which can be applied according to the preferences of the patients or according to the type of problem to be treated. Each psychotherapist will apply the methodology with which he feels best and with which he obtains the best results.

Most psychological and emotional disorders have their origin in childhood. They are the result of the baby’s or child’s efforts to adapt to the environment and its demands. The typical causes of disorders in adults are physical or psychological abuse, physical or emotional deficiencies, isolation, loneliness and hardships in general. Some psychological and emotional may be caused by traumatic events or situations in adulthood.

Psychotherapy is a process by which the emotional part and the rational part of the affected person are integrated so that the old defenses, which have been at work since childhood, or since the event of traumatic experiences, can be understood and deactivated. At the level of the body, the chronic tensions and blockages that are related to the psychological defenses are being undone, returning to the organism its natural impulse capacity.

Basically all emotional disorders that are not the result of a physical injury or that have not caused injury to the body. Even in the most difficult cases that cannot be cured completely, however, the quality of life of the affected person can usually be greatly improved.

The most important thing is to recognize that you have a problem and want to solve it even if it is not always easy. It is also necessary to be willing to spend the time necessary to reach the objectives set.

That depends a lot on what kind of problem you have. If it is a more or less recent trauma, such as an accident, the death of a loved one or a difficult delivery, it can be treated in a few sessions. If it is something that has been around your whole life, it is likely that a lot more is needed. A diagnostic session is always necessary to be able to establish the type of problem that is being treated and the type of treatment that it requires.

Everything that is said or done in session is confidential and cannot be disclosed outside the therapeutic space. However there are some exceptions to this rule:
-If the patient is a minor, the parents or guardians can be informed.
-If there is a court order that indicates it.
-All psychotherapists do supervision with colleagues. During these supervisions the sessions can be discussed, taking care at all times not to disclose data that allows the patient to be identified. The supervising person also has a legal duty of confidentiality.

Appointments can be made by phone, by email, etc. Cancelation of an appointment has to be done at least 24 hours before the session. The exceptions to this rule are medical or other emergencies.